2006 bay colt by Horse Of The Year Holy Bull out of Multiple Stakes Winner Perfect Moment

Run with The Bull

Ride along as we journey towards that perfect moment
when victory is caught in the final stride at the wire.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Off and Running

Perfect Bull has been showing that he wants to grab the bit from the start and get into his cruising speed. Yet he's been asked to layoff the pace with a strong hold along with the addition of blinkers and a shadow roll in this latest contest. As the results of the the ninth race on January 18th from Tampa Bay Downs indicate (replay available here), its high time the creature doing the actual running gets his own way.

The colt emerged the following morning from his effort understandably tired, yet no soreness and his legs were ice cold (no heat or inflammation). He also had his throat scoped after the race and the results were normal. So, physcially the colt is in great shape and mentally its just a matter of the humans getting out of the way. Next time out, the equipment will be off and Bull will go running.